


从47分钟开始,为教授与学生的问答。Q: Are you aware of any impact that your work has had on the city?A: 教授提到了当他在拍摄一座城市的时候,会着重去观察 nature features, historical features, and the landscape hemorrhaging. 他希望能让人们看到What's going on there that people wasn't aware of because how they perceived the city on the ground. 同时他认为可能得到的效果,是让人们preserve the landscape.也让人们看到一些城市里可以开发的潜力项目。 Q:学生希望他谈一谈自己拍摄的其他类型的照片。A:他认为自己的照片分几类,either say something about environment, or document landscapes, or compose series of images to show a powerful theme.他认为自己如果只是飞出去单纯的为自己的喜好去拍照片,是很奢侈的,同时那种意义上的好照片也是一闪即逝的。他说it's part of an artist to be receptive to receive those images when you see them, and to take them.同时他提到了自己在观察城市时所寻找的一些主题,比如borders, edge conditions, abandoned area, particular land uses for prisons, housing types.他认为photography couldn't be predicted. 你永远不知道这一次的拍摄会带给你什么惊喜,因为世界上有很多东西you never dreamed it could be there. 比如他在拍摄visualizing densenties的时候,看到的pivotal irragators。 Q:学生问他去做空中地貌摄影他做了什么准备工作。A:他去哈佛上了一些相关的课程,比如说photo interpretaion和american landscape. Q:学生问他是否觉得为自己拍照和商业摄影有不同的地方。他是会在每次拍摄之前界定这次拍摄是为了客户还是为了自己么?A:他认为拍摄的时候,是心无旁骛的。when i am photographing, i am talking with the camera, i would like to frame a picture with a story or a feeling in mind, if i failed to do so, the photo would be boring.Q:学生问他是否会采取特殊的角度或者表现手法来表达自己的作品A:他说重点在于光线的运用。比如要拍hard scape,正午的太阳就很合适。